About Me

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Hi folks My name is Marie, better known as Nana to the sweetest grand babies ever. My Kids are grown and out of the house and it's now time for Nana ! This blog will be about my life at 50 and Beyond.I hope to entertain you and inform you about what it's like after the kids are grown and Nana is on her own. Don't expect this blog to be boring and about little gray haired old lady stuff. It might contain a little knitting a little gardening and even a little grandma stuff but mostly it will be informative and entertaining and about how I'm going to live the Nana years.Now this Nana is on the move and out to see what Gods green earth has to offer so hold on to your britches and just see what I get into.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Bucket List

Hi Ya'll this is Marie here to tell you about my new Adventure. I think everyone has a bucket list, you know the list of things you want to do, or see, or accomplish before you die. Well I have one. I've been working on it for years, the list that is. Each year my bucket list gets longer and longer and my years to work on that bucket list is getting shorter and shorter. I have done a few things on this list. I made it to Alaska, I have seen Mount Rushmore and I have seen Ol Faithful in Yellowstone National Park but there is so much more to see and do and so little time to get the Bucket list done. So here we go. This year I turn 50 yes 50, the BIG five 0, half a century you know the top of the hill about to topple over and how am I going to spend this year. I am going to check a Bucket List item off each month of my 50th year. That's going to be a least 12 items off that list and if I get a chance to check off any extra this year then Yeah for me. May 5th 1963 I came into this world not knowing what to expect after all I was only minutes old what did I know. Well on May 5th 2013 I'm jumping from a plane. Yes I said jumping from a plane. The way I see it I've spent half my life planning my Bucket List so now I'm going to start the rest of my life with a bang and hopefully not with a splat. Jumping from a plane has been on my Bucket list for sometime now so On May 5th I'm jumping !!!!! So for the next 12 months follow along and see what I get into and if you have a bucket list item that you're checking off your list post it here and we will jump for joy together ( get it jump ).

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Marie!! Thank goodness that one is not on my bucket list, LOL!! Have fun!
